Post by Sergey PoznyakoffPost by Jean LouisI am compiling and will let you know.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to it.
Post by Jean LouisThe email sending should be by standard, whatever Yahoo does, so I
hope that with my request, you did not disturb the standards of
sending such multipart emails.
That's no problem, standards often leave sufficient leeway for
misunderstanding between client and server. The case we're handling is
just an example of this. Interoperability is very important, and I
appreciate very much your help ( and perseverance :) ) in resolving
this problem.
Thank you. It is working now in Yahoo, I can see the message. It looks
like charset is being set automatically? The HTML file shows
iso-8859-1 and I just hope it does not disturb vieweing the HTML file
which has inside UTF-8 settings, I still think it can disturb it.
It can be that I caused this problem by adding the Content-Disposition
or by not using correctly the mail utility. Below you can find how I
am using it.
;;; GNU Mailutils functions
;;; echo "Hello" | mail -a "Date: `/bin/date +'%a, %d %b %Y %T %z'`" -a "From: Mr. John Doe <***>" -E 'set record=maildir:~/Maildir/***' -s "Test (DELETE ME)" ***@localhost
(defun mu-set-record (maildir)
(if maildir
(format nil " -E 'set record=maildir:~~/Maildir/~a' " maildir)
(defun mu-subject (subject)
(format nil " -s '~a' " subject))
(defun mu-from (name from)
(format nil " -a \"From: ~a <~a>\" " name from))
(defun mu-header-unicode ()
(concatenate 'string
" -a \"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\" "
" -a \"Content-Disposition: inline\" "
" -a \"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\" "))
(defun mu-html-alternative (file)
(if (not (zerop (length file)))
(format nil " --alternative --content-type=text/html --attach=~a" file)
(defun mu-to (name to)
(setf name (substitute #\- #\@ name))
(setf name (substitute #\. #\, name))
(setf name (substitute #\Space #\. name))
(if (> (length name) 0)
(format nil " \"~a <~a>\" " name to)
(format nil " \"~a\" " to)))
(defun mu-date ()
(format nil " -a \"Date: `/bin/date +'%a, %d %b %Y %T %z'`\" "))
(defun mu-attach (file)
(if (zerop (length (namestring file)))
(format nil " -A \"~a\" " file)))
(defun mu-attachments (attachments)
(if (listp attachments)
(format nil " ~{~a~} " (map 'list #'mu-attach attachments))
(mu-attach attachments)))
(defun mu-body-type (type)
(format nil " --content-type=~a " type))
(defun mu-mail (&key from-name from-email to-email (to-name "") subject (set-record to-email) body (attachments "") (html-alternative "") (test nil)
(body-type "text/plain"))
(let ((mu-mail (concatenate 'string
"mail -E \"unset askcc\" "
(mu-from from-name from-email)
(mu-set-record set-record)
(mu-subject subject)
(mu-html-alternative html-alternative)
(mu-attachments attachments)
(mu-to to-name to-email)
(mu-body-type body-type)
(if test
(format t "~%FROM: ~a ~a, TO: ~a ~a, SUBJECT: ~a~%"
from-name from-email to-name to-email subject)
(values (with-input-from-string (s body)
(uiop:run-program mu-mail :input s :external-format uiop:*utf-8-external-format*))
;; (princ (cadr (multiple-value-list
;; (mu-mail :from-name "Jean Louis"
;; :from-email "***"
;; :to-email "***"
;; :to-name "Jean Louis"
;; :subject "Hello there"
;; :body-type "text/plain"
;; :body "Text message here čekaj ™ ® "
;; :html-alternative "/home/data1/protected/public_html/index.html") ) ))
;; :attachments (list "/tmp/file" "/tmp/anotherfile")
and this one I use to send email by using makemime utility:
;; (ql:quickload "cl-rfc2047")
(defun makemime-send (text html &key from-name from-email to-name to-email subject)
(let* ((text-file "/dev/shm/text-file")
(html-file "/dev/shm/html-file")
(text-file (progn
(alexandria:write-string-into-file text text-file :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede)
(html-file (progn
(alexandria:write-string-into-file html html-file :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede)
(makemime-file "/dev/shm/makemime")
(makemime-set (alexandria:write-string-into-file (format nil "-j
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: ~a <~a>
To: ~a <~a>
Subject: ~a
Content-Disposition: inline
-C utf-8
-c text/plain
-C utf-8
-c text/html
-C utf-8
" (cl-rfc2047:encode from-name) from-email
(cl-rfc2047:encode to-name) to-email
subject text-file html-file) makemime-file :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create))
(makemime (slurp-stream-io-command "makemime @-" makemime-set))
(sendmail (format nil "/usr/bin/sendmail -F \"~a\" -f ~a" from-name from-email)))
(string-to-command sendmail makemime)))
;; (send-example)
(defun send-example ()
"Hello čč"
"<!doctype html public \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional //EN\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"
content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"> <title></title>
<h2>Hello there</h2>
<p>This is some text here. č</p>
:from-name "Jean"
:from-email "***"
:to-name "Mr. L č™''"
:to-email "***"
:subject "Hello there čč ™ omasdans kjnaksnd kjansdjkn akjnd jknajksnd ajksns"))
;; (send-example)